For websites hosted by oneIgloo

To credit oneIgloo for web hosting and to display this image:
hosted by oneigloo

Cut-and-paste this code into one of your site's pages:

    <p><a href="">
    <img src="" 
    align="middle" border=0 
    alt="oneigloo hosted by image" /></a></p>

Note: Pasting may introduce unwanted line-feeds which will need to be deleted.

For ebay sellers with images hosted by oneIgloo

To credit oneIgloo for image hosting and to display this image:
oneigloo image for ebay

Cut-and-paste this code into your ebay page:

    <p>Image hosting services provided by 
    <a href="">
    <img src="" 
    align="middle" border=0 
    alt="oneigloo image for ebay" /></a></p>

This image meets ebay's 88x33 size requirement for third-party acknowledgements, credits and links.

Note: Pasting may introduce unwanted line-feeds which will need to be deleted.

For more flexibility

These images simply say "oneIgloo". You can accompany these images with your own text; simply replace the phrase "Web hosting and services provided by" in the cut-and-paste code with your own creative text.

To display this image:
oneigloo button 3

Cut-and-paste this code into one of your site's pages:

    <p>Web hosting and services provided by 
    <a href="">
    <img src="" 
    align="middle" border=0 
    alt="oneigloo button image" /></p>

Note: Pasting may introduce unwanted line-feeds which will need to be deleted.

To display this image:
oneigloo button 4

Cut-and-paste this code into one of your site's pages:

    <p>Web hosting and services provided by
    <a href="">
    <img src="" 
    align="middle" border=0 
    alt="oneigloo button image" /></p>

Note: Pasting may introduce unwanted line-feeds which will need to be deleted.

To display this image:
oneigloo button 5

Cut-and-paste this code into one of your site's pages:

    <p>Web hosting and services provided by
    <a href="">
    <img src="" 
    align="middle" border=0 
    alt="oneigloo button image" /></p>

Note: Pasting may introduce unwanted line-feeds which will need to be deleted.

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