Changing Your Password

Because oneIgloo maintains a complete separation of its webmail/email services and its web sites, every account holder has two passwords: one for webmail/email and another for logging into a terminal session using ssh or uploading files using sftp/scp.

Changing A Webmail/Email Password

Log into the oneIgloo Webmail/Email Control Panel. After logging in, click on the Login button near the top of the page. Then click on Change Password. Fill in your current password. Then enter your desired new password twice. Click on the Change Now button.

Changing A Login Password (sftp, scp, ssh)

There are two ways to change your login password (by "login password" we mean the password you use to upload your web files). Each of the access methods (sftp, scp, ssh) references the same password database.

Method 1: Use ssh to log in to your assigned server and use the passwd command to change your password.

Method 2: Log into the oneIgloo Web Control Panel. After logging in, click on the Login button near the top of the page. Then click on Change Password. Fill in your current password. Then enter your desired new password twice. Click on the Change Now button.

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